Gedling Borough Council are consulting on the LOCAL PLANNING DOCUMENT and you can have your say between 23rd May and 4th July.

The plan contains details for the whole of the Borough, and identifies 2 sites for housing development in Woodborough.

WPC urges all villagers - whether they feel positive or negative about proposals - to use their right to comment on the plan. Comments can be made online, or on paper. Paper copies for response are available in the Village Hall.

Gedling BC have supplied us with a copy of the documents which is now in the village hall on the front table. The hall is locked most of the time for security reasons but will be open on Monday nights from 4pm - 6pm and Tuesday nights from 6pm - 7.30pm. Further times in June will be announced. The hall will be open all day on June 23rd - EU Referendum day. Please call the Clerk on 8498195 if you wish to arrange a different viewing time and we will endeavour to help.

Click to view Gedling BC's notice (including a map of potential development areas in the village) and a briefing on the Local Planning Document.